Fear not tomorrow - God is already there.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Plan B

Our church Vinings Lake just finished a series called "Plan B" inspired by the book by Pete Wilson of the same name. It was amazing and especially poignant for my life right now. (Another amazing thing is technology, through which you can watch the sermons by going to www.viningslake.org and selecting "Welcome Back" and "Watch Messages." Check it out!) Especially when things are not going how I planned, it is easy for me to think that everyone else's lives are going great and their plans are succeeding and wonder why mine aren't! How easily we forget that we do not truly know what others are going through. One of my favorite quotes from Plato is, "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." The beautiful thing is that is does not have to be hard! Once we realize that God gives us freedom, but is ultimately in control, things become infinitely easier. And I for one like easier and besides it is no contest between an all-powerful God in control versus imperfect me! "We must be willing to abandon the life WE planned and dreamed of in order to receive the life GOD has planned for us." God is so much better at planning and knowing and I will try to relax in that knowledge and let him. It reminds me of watching my daughter figure things out for herself and knowing what would work the best, but she needs to come to that appreciation herself. I need to do the same with God - and what a better appreciation I have and the next time it becomes even easier to trust Him. "His ways are always better than our ways." Proverb 19:20

My foundation to start this week: 1) God loves me. 2) God allows freedom but maintains control. 3) God can use our worst to create something beautiful! "I have told you these things so that IN ME you will have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD!" John 19:33

Have a control-free week!


Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Heidi & Madison Mother's Day 2011

This has been a great Mother's Day weekend! Madison and I received cards from Michael and were invited to spend the weekend with friends! I felt so loved and blessed. We are doing well and excited for summer time to begin. Madison is really looking forward to swimming at the neighborhood pool and playing with her friends. We plan on packing a picnic dinner and taking to the pool a few nights a week! I really appreciate all the nice things people have relayed to us and the prayers that have lifted us up. A Bible verse that has been important to us this week and one Madison is learning is: Galatians 6:9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up!


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Feliz Cinco de Mayo!

Celebrating at Madison's favorite restaurant Nuevo Laredo Cantina!

In an interesting turn of events at FPC Pensacola, Cinco de Mayo was celebrated with a special lunch meal! They were short handed in the kitchen, so Michael helped out. No special Easter meal but Cinco de Mayo food! There even was a spiral ham for dinner (Michael thought this was a little strange and could have been served for Easter dinner instead of liver and onions!). Ah! The mysteries of the Federal Prison system! Hope you and yours enjoyed May 5th! Madison learned about the battle of the 4,000 Mexican soldiers against the traitor Mexican army and the French. Napoleon detested the United States and as it was embroiled in a Civil War probably thought Mexico was the stepping stone to invade the US as well. Americans were sent to help and provide munitions to Mexico and this victory kept Napoleon from providing weapons to the Confederate side. This also allowed the United States to create the greatest army the world had ever seen and 14 months later the Grand Army was victorious at Gettysburg! History unites us all! Viva! el Cinco de Mayo!

PS> Happy belated Stars Wars Day - May the 4th! May the Force (4th!) be with you!:)

Sunday, May 1, 2011

2nd Anniversary

Happy May 1st, our 2nd anniversary of enrolling Michael at Camp FPC Pensacola! April seems like it flew by, especially as Madison and I were able to go to Florida for the last two weeks to visit family. It is so wonderful that you can always go back home again! Thank you for your thoughts for Michael's health. He has found a few guys who strength train and has been doing some strengthening for his back in the evenings with them. His back is feeling much better and a camper who is a doctor suggested some orthopedic inserts for his boots. The downside to his working out is that the FPC does not serve a lot of good protein and only offers milk in the mornings so he is learning how to adjust his diet needs to his increased working out. He has been feeling weak and fatigued and is trying to supplement his protein needs at the food commissary. So amazing what you can take for granted each day, like being able to drink milk when you want.

I am learning a lot about the BOP system and received a home visit from a probation officer. I am sure he got more than he bargained for when he met me and my list of questions. If nothing at all, I am good a researching, asking questions, and holding you to an answer! I am not a pushover inmate spouse by any stretch of the imagination. He even went so far as to say that in a year he may not be assigned to Michael but probably will. I think I made him a little nervous! I am thankful that Michael's file landed on his desk because he does like to get things done early and be ready for release dates. I was anxious about the visit (especially when he asked for a floor plan and tried to make a joke about knowing where we might be having a counterfeiting ring until I asked him if the floor plan was really for fugitive extraction - no answer to that one!). It is hard to explain but I felt that God was with me and happy that Madison could stay with a neighbor. Hopefully the paperwork ball is rolling in preparation for an eventual smooth release.

Madison and I enjoyed a great outdoor sunrise Easter service on Sarasota Bay by the church I grew up in. It was nice to see old friends and former congregation members who return for the service as well as the pastor who married us and dedicated Madison. Michael enjoyed the Good Friday and Easter services offered at FPC Pensacola. During the Easter service the pastor compared the gospel accounts and Michael said he like how it was presented. He was looking forward to some holiday celebration as Passover had been celebrated for those of the Jewish faith, however he learned Christian holidays are not. Michael said in fact some campers seemed surprised when he told them Happy Easter that morning. On the Easter dinner menu: liver and onions! Michael chose the vegetarian option of PB&J! It is sad that we are not able to send him baked goods for a holiday at least.

We are excited about what May brings for our family. Thank you for continuing to keep us in your thoughts and prayers, and for checking in on us. Michael really has enjoyed your visits and correspondence. We are thankful that he still is finding favor in the bakery despite some attitude problems of the other workers and that he was able to help out some new campers. Michael said he remembered wandering around lost and wanted to be helpful like those who had been to him. He was able to give another man an extra pair of shower shoes that he had. I am proud that it is important to him to help others and that he continues to be a shining light.
